ControlAttribution - Sveaflet

Controls - Attribution

The attribution control allows you to display attribution data in a small text box on a map. It is put on the map by default unless you set its attributionControl option to false, and it fetches attribution texts from layers with the getAttribution method automatically. Extends Control.

Setup #

  • Svelte
	import { ControlAttribution } from 'sveaflet';

Default ControlAttribution #

  • Svelte
	import { Map, TileLayer, ControlAttribution } from 'sveaflet';

<div style="width: 100%;height:500px">
			center: [51.505, -0.09],
			zoom: 13
		<TileLayer url={'{z}/{x}/{y}.png'} />
		<ControlAttribution />

ControlAttribution with Options #

  • Svelte
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import { Map, TileLayer, ControlAttribution } from 'sveaflet';
	import { Radio } from 'flowbite-svelte';

	let prefix = 'Sveaflet';

<div class="flex items-center gap-4 mb-4">
	<Radio bind:group={prefix} value="Sveaflet">Sveaflet</Radio>
	<Radio bind:group={prefix} value="Svelte">Svelte</Radio>
	<Radio bind:group={prefix} value="Leaflet">Leaflet</Radio>

<div style="width: 100%;height:500px">
			center: [51.505, -0.09],
			zoom: 13
		<TileLayer url={'{z}/{x}/{y}.png'} />

Hide default Attribution #

  • Svelte
	import { Map, TileLayer, ControlAttribution } from 'sveaflet';

<div style="width: 100%;height:500px">
			center: [51.505, -0.09],
			zoom: 13,
			attributionControl: false
		<TileLayer url={'{z}/{x}/{y}.png'} />
				prefix: 'sveaflet'

Props #

Prop name Description Type Default
options Optional Control.AttributionOptions {}